luni, 7 decembrie 2009

3 thingz.

3 thingz that annoy you:->vecinii mei care muta fut nu stiu ce fac dar fac orice numai sa nu doarma la ora 3 dimineata..I don't know what ur doing but pleease stop it!
->emoticonu asta o:) *angel damn face*..e foarte ghey si intervine peste orice as scrie:)) gheeey!
->tastatura mea e ival.clar!

3 thingz that you like:->redd's sun! [We are so damn crazyeee))]
->sa rad intr-una.
->sa cred ca am o boala psihica alaturi de Codruta..suntem in aceeasi ne indreptam catreee...Madagascar...naah..catre...insula de doctor care vindeca problema exista!:))

si da sunt de acord cu sintagma:Inteligenta este constanta,doar numarul de oameni creste.[fac parte din caz ca nu v-ati dat seama]


duminică, 6 decembrie 2009's ival I tell you!

my keyboard it's ival!..what ur keyboard?

ya' it's pretty ival..she or he doesn't leave me write thingz just like they must be..the thingz are just incorect when i'm writing stuff.

it's ival,ival, I tell you!

or it'z just me and i don't want to face it...nah it's the keyboard:))
