sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2010



1. Pune playerul pe shuffle.
2. Apasă „înainte” pentru fiecare întrebare.
3. Foloseşte titlul melodiei ca şi răspuns la întrebare chiar dacă nu are sens. Nu trişa!

1. How are you feeling today?

Brittani Louise Taylor-Everythings gonna be okay

2. Will you get far in life?

Lady Sovereign- So human

3. How do your friends see you?

Magnetic North-So long

4. Will you get married?

Spike- Ramanem prieteni

5. What’s your best friend’s theme?

Nevershoutnever-The past

6. What is the story of your life?

Nevershoutnever- Jane Doe

7. What was high school like? 

Veritasaga- Cer senin

8. How can you get ahead in life?

Black Eyed Peas- Where is the love

9. What is the best thing about your friends?


10. What is in store for this weekend?

Nevershoutnever- Your biggest fan

11. What song describes you?

Nevershoutnever - Harmony

12. What song would describe your grandparents?

Magnetiv North-Unda Control(dumb q)

13. How is your life going?

NSN - losing it

14. What song will they play at your funeral?

Junkyard-Mass pe mess

15. How does the world see you?

Suie Paparude-Armada verbala

16. Will you have a happy life?

NSN-On the brightside

17. Do people secretly lust after you?

Parazitii- Drumuri fictive

18. How can I make myself happy?

NSN-here goes nothing

19. What should you do with your life?

Veritasaga- Zboara.

luni, 15 februarie 2010


Future.what do we know about future? The things we know about future are like the things we know about universe,not so much.We just presume what’s gonna happen.Flying cars and living in different planets Nothing. we just know that something is going to happen.No we are not doomed,we make our future vy living now and think about the future.

I think that in the future we will be meaner, because of the money, we will want more money. Some of us to make a living some of us are living for money.

I presume that our generation, will try to make our make our world better, but I know that people who don’t have the power of speech, will do nothing, because if we want something good, we have to do it our own. If we try to get others attention, we will try to get jobs that will help us, in the future.

If we want a future, we have to be more respectful with others, help them and be happier, Because if we have the right attitude for us, we will live it to the fullest. The attitude changes our style of living and helps us, get more friends, and if we have more friends we will be listened and sometimes we have to wake up and face the reality, not just pink clouds and dreams, Because if we have dreams, we have to try to accomplish them.

I think that if we want to live our life, we have to think more about the day of today and careless for past. Because what we do now is the most important thing.

I believe that the people that are trying to make the world better, aren’t enough and they are barely listened.

I presume and the future we have to be more careful, to be more attentive and the most important thing is to be ourselves, not copy other people.


marți, 9 februarie 2010


nu inteleg de ce oamenii incarca sa-i copieze pe altii.Sa le copieze comportamentul sau modul lor de a vorbi. De ce atunci cand le spui,ah tu te-ai luat dupa x,nu recunosc,cu toate ca se vede de la o posta distanta. De ce atunci cand se comporta ca o alta persoana,nu se simt bine. De ce pur si simplu persoanele tind spre mai rau.De ce atunci cand dai o mana de ajutor te gandesti,las' ca ma ajuta si pe mine cad oi avea nevoia,si atunci cand ai nevoie de ajutor te lasa cu ochii in soare.De ce se promite atat de mult si se pierde tot, incercand sa se ascunda adevarata fata a lucrurilor.

luni, 1 februarie 2010