sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010


no.not changing clothes,or faces. Changing our behaviour. 

Why do people tell you that you are okey,as you are,but after a time,they say that are sick& tired of you? Do people think of what it would be like to be in other's shoes?I probably am wrong in some things,but all in all I'm a human,not a machine.I'm not perfect and you know it. People criticise you for your life style,for your clothing style or just because they think you think wrong. I see sometimes life,from a diffrent angle. No I don't see it from a superior angle.I see it from an ant angle. everybody wants to crash you,and you don't know how you will make it and survive. Yes it's true,if you have friends that stand up for you,it will be maybe better. Yes.it is better,because they give you precious pieces of advise. They are those people that tell you what you are and why should you change. I want a change.in good. I don't want people that think that I am a freak to change their opinion. I will not pretend that I am a different person. I won't spend my time and days on what I did. I will try to be a different person.and if I will fail,I will fail gracefully.

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